
Polygraph: Advertisers Are Inadvertently Breaking Data Privacy Laws

EIN Presswire, June 18, 2024
Click fraud protection firm Polygraph is warning advertisers to beware they are likely breaking data privacy laws – and risking hefty fines – by storing and contacting fake leads which are submitted by click fraud bots. “Click fraud is a crime which steals at least $100 billion every year,” said Trey Vanes...

Bot Detection Firm Polygraph Explains Why “Captchas” Will Not Prevent Click Fraud

EIN Presswire, May 22, 2024
Bot detection firm Polygraph is warning advertisers that captchas, such as Google's reCAPTCHA and Intuition Machines' hCaptcha, cannot protect your adverts from click fraud. “Since captchas kick in after the fake click has already occurred, it doesn't matter if the visitor is a human or a bot, you've already been charged by the ad network,” said Trey Vanes...

Polygraph: 21% Of Ad Clicks Are From Bots

EIN Presswire, February 20, 2024
Cybersecurity firm Polygraph has released the click fraud rates for the third and fourth quarters of 2023, showing at least 21% of ad clicks were from click fraud bots. “Display networks are the worst offenders,” said Trey Vanes, Polygraph’s head of marketing. “There are millions of websites...

Click Fraud Detection Service Polygraph Explains Why Advertisers Are Receiving Fake Spanish Employment Leads

EIN Presswire, September 12, 2023
Click fraud detection service Polygraph has identified a scam which is stealing advertisers’ marketing budgets, wasting their time and resources, and tricking innocent jobseekers into believing they can get high paying, no-skills-required jobs in the US. “Click fraud scammers...

Click Fraud Prevention Service Polygraph Warns Advertisers To Be Cautious Of No-Cost Conversions

IssueWire, May 22, 2023
Click fraud prevention service Polygraph is urging advertisers to use caution when relying on no-cost conversions to track the performance of their advertising campaigns. "Scammers are using no-cost conversions to trick advertisers into spending money on fake clicks...

Click Fraud Detection Service Polygraph Explains How To Prevent Your Competitors From Clicking On Your Ads

IssueWire, April 21, 2023
Click fraud detection service Polygraph is warning advertisers about fake clicks from nefarious competitors. The scam, known as competitor click fraud, occurs when competitors search for your business online and repeatedly click on your ads. This wastes your marketing budget, and reduces your website's online visibility. "Most click fraud happens on display websites run by criminals," said Trey Vanes, Polygraph's head of marketing...

Click Fraud Protection Service Polygraph Explains How Criminals Earn Money From Online Advertisements

EIN Presswire, March 6, 2023
Click fraud protection service Polygraph says online scammers are stealing tens of billions of dollars from advertisers every year. The scam, known as click fraud, uses bots to generate fake clicks on online advertisements which are displayed on criminals’ websites. “The criminals create genuine-looking websites,” said Trey Vanes, Polygraph’s head of marketing. “They then contact advertising networks like Google Ads and Microsoft Ads...

Click Fraud Prevention Service Polygraph Announces Support For Anti-Fingerprint Detection And Analysis

EIN Presswire, February 28, 2023
Click fraud protection service Polygraph is announcing the launch of new technology which detects the real identities of servers used to generate fake clicks on advertisements. Click fraud is a crime which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Scammers pose as legitimate website publishers, and use bots and trickery to produce fake clicks on the adverts on their websites....

Polygraph: Click Fraud Bots Are Using Unique IP Addresses To Avoid Common Detection Techniques

EIN Presswire, February 20, 2023
Click fraud detection and prevention service Polygraph is advising advertisers to be aware of click fraud bots using unique IP addresses every time they click on online advertisements. “It’s pointless trying to prevent click fraud by blocking IP addresses,“ said Trey Vanes, Polygraph’s head of marketing. “Click fraud bots are using ‘residential proxy services’ to mask their true IP addresses...

Polygraph: Click Fraud Detection And Prevention Is Free Of Charge For Small Advertisers

Bloomberg, February 13, 2023
Small advertisers can now protect their online advertisements from click fraud free of charge thanks to Polygraph’s “no cost” click fraud detection and prevention offer. “We are offering our click fraud detection and prevention service free of charge to advertisers who receive up to 500 ad clicks every month,” said Trey Vanes, Polygraph’s head of marketing...

Polygraph: Click Fraud Scammers Are Targeting Pay-Per-Click Affiliate Schemes

Yahoo! Finance, February 7, 2023
Polygraph, a cybersecurity firm specializing in click fraud detection and prevention, is warning pay-per-click affiliate scheme operators to be aware of scammers generating fake clicks on their links. Click fraud is a sophisticated cybercrime which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. The scam comes in various forms, and typically uses bots to generate fake clicks on online advertisements...

Click Fraud Protection Service Polygraph Identifies ‘Retargeting’ Scam Affecting High Value Search Advertisements

GlobeNewswire, January 30, 2023
Cybersecurity firm Polygraph has identified a devious click fraud scam affecting high value search advertisements, costing advertisers millions of dollars every day. According to Trey Vanes, Polygraph’s head of marketing, click fraud scammers are taking advantage of a digital marketing technique known as ‘retargeting’ to force high value advertisements to appear on click fraud websites...

Polygraph: ‘Clickjacking’ Is Making A Comeback As A Click Fraud Technique

Yahoo! Finance, January 26, 2023
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company specializing in click fraud prevention, is advising advertisers to be aware of an “old school” click fraud technique which is making a comeback. Clickjacking click fraud is a technical sleight of hand which tricks website visitors into clicking on adverts without their knowledge or consent. For example...

Click Fraud Protection Firm Polygraph Identifies Fake Leads Scam Affecting ‘Performance Max’ Advertising Campaigns

Bloomberg, January 23, 2023
Click fraud detection firm Polygraph is warning advertisers using ‘Performance Max’ advertising campaigns to be aware of fake clicks and spam leads. According to Trey Vanes, Polygraph’s head of marketing, the fraud is a result of Performance Max, also known as Pmax, forcing advertisers to display their adverts on scam display websites. “When your ads appear on scam display websites, they’re going to receive a large amount of click fraud...

Cybersecurity Firm Polygraph Explains Why Advertisers Need To Use A Click Fraud Detection Service

Benzinga, January 16, 2023
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company specializing in the detection of click fraud, is advising advertisers to use a click fraud detection service to protect their marketing budgets. According to Trey Vanes, Polygraph's head of marketing, using a click fraud detection service is a good business decision. "Every time a bot clicks on an advert on a website, the website owner earns a small fee from the advertising network. Multiply this by millions of clicks per day...

Polygraph: Many ‘Legitimate’ Companies Are Committing Click Fraud

AP, January 9, 2023
Click fraud protection service Polygraph is warning advertisers to be aware that click fraud is no longer confined to organized criminals and shady website operators, and is now a normal part of the advertising ecosystem, with many ‘legitimate’ companies now choosing to defraud advertisers. Click fraud is a sophisticated online crime where publishers use bots and trickery to generate fake clicks on the advertisements placed on their websites...

Click Fraud Prevention Service Polygraph Advises Advertisers To Invest In Search Engine Optimization

GlobeNewswire, January 3, 2023
Click fraud prevention service Polygraph is advising advertisers to invest in search engine optimization due to the high levels of click fraud on internet advertisements. Click fraud is an online scam where website publishers generate income by programming bots to repeatedly click on advertisements. Since the advertisements are displayed on the scammers' websites, for every fake click, the advertisers pay fees to the advertising networks...

Click Fraud Protection Service Polygraph Reminds Advertisers Not To Rely On IP Address Blocking To Prevent Click Fraud

Yahoo! Finance, December 26, 2022
Click fraud protection service Polygraph is reminding advertisers not to rely on IP address blocking to prevent fake clicks, as blocking IP addresses will miss at least 95% of click fraud. According to Trey Vanes, Polygraph's head of marketing, click fraud is an online scam which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. “Click fraud is a crime which targets online advertisements,” said Vanes. “Fraudsters program bots to visit their websites and...

Polygraph: Advertisers Should Proceed With Caution When Using Audience Networks

Yahoo! Finance, December 19, 2022
Click fraud prevention service Polygraph is advising advertisers to beware of audience networks if they want to minimize their exposure to click fraud. According to Trey Vanes, Polygraph's head of marketing, click fraud is a sophisticated internet crime which steals tens of billions of dollars from advertisers every year. “Click fraud is the biggest scam most people haven’t heard of,” said Vanes. “Criminals create websites and monetize...

Polygraph: 5% Of Marketing E-mails Are Opened By Bots

AP, December 12, 2022
Click fraud detection service Polygraph is warning marketers about a click fraud scam which is causing marketing e-mails to be opened by bots. Click fraud is an online crime which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Criminals create websites and monetize the content using pay-per-click advertisements. Instead of waiting for real people to visit their websites, the criminals program bots to visit their websites...

Polygraph: Don't Rely On Advertising Networks To Protect Your Ads From Click Fraud

GlobeNewswire, November 21, 2022
Click fraud prevention firm Polygraph is warning advertisers about the lack of click fraud detection at many advertising networks. According to Trey Vanes, Polygraph's head of marketing, many advertising networks are doing little to no click fraud detection. "Many advertising networks aren't making an effort to detect click fraud," said Vanes. "This includes a major advertising network who are doing no click fraud detection...

Polygraph: Criminals Are Defrauding Advertisers Using Bots

AP, November 17, 2022
Click fraud detection service Polygraph is warning advertisers about an internet scam which is stealing tens of billions of dollars every year. Criminals create websites and monetize the content using advertisements. Every time the advertisements are clicked, the scammers earn small fees from the advertising networks. Each website generates thousands of fake clicks every day, with tens of thousands of scam websites...

Click fraud detection firm Polygraph warns online advertisers about fake leads scam

Bloomberg, November 10, 2022
Click fraud detection service Polygraph is warning advertisers of a fake leads scam affecting a major online advertising network. The fake leads are being generated by fraudsters to fool advertisers and the advertising network into believing fake advert clicks are genuine. Click fraud is an online scam which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Criminals create websites and monetize the content...

Click fraud detection firm Polygraph identifies over one hundred "undetectable" click fraud bots

Yahoo! Finance, October 28, 2022
Click fraud detection service Polygraph has identified a new breed of “undetectable” click fraud bots, stealing tens of millions of dollars from advertisers every day. Click fraud is a scam where criminals create websites and monetize the content using advertisements. Instead of waiting for real people to visit their websites, the scammers create bots – software pretending to be humans – which visit their websites and...

Polygraph: US Click Fraud Rate Decreased By 12% During "Golden Week"

Bloomberg, October 21, 2022
“Golden Week” is a week-long vacation in China, celebrated at the start of October each year. During this year's holiday, the amount of click fraud in the US dropped by 12%, according to click fraud detection firm Polygraph. Click fraud is an online scam which steals tens of billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Criminals create legitimate looking websites, and monetize the content using advertisements...

Click Fraud Detection Firm Polygraph Explains How Removing Ad Keywords Can Eliminate Fake Clicks

Yahoo! Finance, October 13, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity firm helping advertisers prevent click fraud, explains how removing ad keywords from campaigns can eliminate the risk of fake clicks. Click fraud is a scam which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Criminals create websites, and monetize the content using adverts. To inflate earnings, and cheat the companies paying for the adverts, bots are used to generate thousands of fake clicks...

Polygraph Reminds Advertisers To Block Click Fraud Websites

Benzinga, October 6, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company specializing in click fraud detection, is reminding advertisers to block click fraud websites from being able to display or click on their ads. Click fraud is an online scam which steals tens of billions of dollars from innocent advertisers each year. Criminals create websites for the purpose of displaying online ads, and use bots and trickery to generate fake clicks on the ads. For each of these clicks, the advertiser...

Polygraph: Click Fraud Criminals Are Targeting Advertisers In UK and Ireland

AP, September 19, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company helping advertisers detect and prevent click fraud, is warning companies in the UK and Ireland that their online advertisements are at risk of click fraud. Click fraud is a scam which steals billions of pounds from advertisers every year. Criminals create fake websites, and monetize the content using online adverts. Instead of waiting for genuine visitors to click on the ads, they use bots...

Click Fraud Detection Firm Polygraph Explains The Difference Between Click Fraud And Low Quality Ad Clicks

Bloomberg, September 12, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company focussed on helping advertisers detect click fraud, prevent click fraud, and get click fraud refunds from advertising networks, is stressing the need to understand the difference between click fraud and low quality ad clicks. Click fraud is an online scam which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Criminals, posing as legitimate website publishers, create fake websites, and monetize the content...

Polygraph: Beware Of Click Fraud Protection Gimmicks

Yahoo! Finance, September 5, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company specializing in click fraud detection, is warning advertisers to beware of click fraud protection gimmicks. Click fraud is a lucrative online crime which steals tens of billions of dollars from advertisers each year. Criminals create fake websites, and monetize the content by placing genuine adverts on every page. Rather than wait for visitors to click on the ads, they use bots - software pretending to be human – to repeatedly click on the ads...

Polygraph: Not All Click Fraud Comes From Bots

Yahoo! Finance, August 22, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company specializing in click fraud detection, is warning advertisers to beware of click fraud coming from genuine website visitors. Click fraud is an online crime which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Criminals create scam websites, and monetize the content by placing genuine adverts on every page. They then generate massive earnings - and huge losses for advertisers - by repeatedly clicking on the ads. Most click fraud uses bots...

Polygraph: Blocking IP Addresses Misses More Than 95% Of Click Fraud

Benzinga, August 4, 2022
Polygraph, a cybersecurity company specializing in click fraud detection and prevention, is warning advertisers not to rely on IP blocking to prevent click fraud. Click fraud is a sophisticated cyber-crime stealing tens of billions of dollars each year from online advertisers. Criminals pose as legitimate website owners, and use bots - software pretending to be human - to generate fake clicks on adverts. For each of these clicks, the advertisers pay money to the advertising networks...

Click Fraud Protection Firm Polygraph Advises Advertisers To Check The Source Of Every Ad Click

Yahoo! Finance, August 3, 2022
Click fraud is the multi-billion dollar crime most people have never heard of. Every year it steals tens of billions of dollars from advertisers, and its culprits include organized crime gangs and Nasdaq listed multinationals. Most websites earn money through advertising: visitors go to websites and click on the ads scattered throughout the content. For each of these clicks, the advertisers pay fees to an advertising network like Microsoft Ads...

Cybersecurity firm Polygraph warns advertisers not to rely on IP blocking to prevent click fraud

Bloomberg, July 15, 2022
Click fraud is a massive problem, stealing tens of billions of dollars from advertisers every year. The fraudsters responsible for this crime include technically savvy website owners, transnational organized crime gangs, and even Nasdaq listed multinationals. The scam works like this: criminals create websites, and contact advertising networks like Microsoft Ads to request a “publisher advertising account”. Publisher advertising accounts...

Cybersecurity firm Polygraph reminds advertisers to apply for click fraud refunds every month

Bloomberg, July 11, 2022
Online advertising is a massive industry, with companies giving advertising networks roughly USD 500 billion every year to advertise their products and services to web users. One of the industry's biggest secrets is click fraud – cyber-criminals generate fake clicks on ads, resulting in substantial losses for advertisers, and huge profits for the advertising networks and criminals. Click fraud works like this: Criminals create websites and contact ad networks...

Cybersecurity firm Polygraph warns online advertisers about arbitrage websites

Yahoo! Finance, June 3, 2022
Arbitrage is a technique used by publishers to get low quality website visitors to click on high value adverts. According to Trey Vanes, Chief Marketing Officer at cybersecurity firm Polygraph, arbitrage is similar to click fraud. “Advertisers pay an ad network like Bing Ads to display their adverts on publisher websites. Every time the ads are clicked, the advertisers pay fees to Bing Ads, and Bing Ads shares these fees with publishers...

Click fraud detection firm Polygraph warns advertisers of fake conversions scam

Benzinga, May 27, 2022
Click fraud prevention firm Polygraph is warning of a new cyber-crime targeting advertisers who offer no-cost products and services as part of their customer acquisition process. "Some advertisers try to acquire customers by getting them to sign up to a mailing list or download a free report," said Trey Vanes, Chief Marketing Officer at Polygraph. "Criminals use these free offers to help disguise their click fraud schemes." Click fraud is a sophisticated...

Click Fraud Prevention Firm Urges Caution When Placing Adverts Online

Yahoo! Finance, April 26, 2022
Cyber-security firm Polygraph is offering further guidance to protect advertisers against click fraud, a sophisticated internet crime targeting online ads. Criminals, who set up scam websites to act as hosts for genuine adverts placed by online advertisers, earn fees every time an ad is clicked. To maximize earnings, the fraudsters use technology and trickery to generate huge numbers of fake clicks on the ads...

Click Fraud Prevention Firm Warns Website Owners Of Risks When Buying Online Traffic

Yahoo! Finance, April 14, 2022
Some website owners are inadvertently enabling a cyber-crime called click fraud, and are at risk of being banned by the advertising networks, and may even face criminal prosecution. Click fraud is a sophisticated internet crime targeting online advertisers. Criminals, posing as legitimate website owners, are tricking advertising networks into allowing them to...

Polygraph: Pay Day Loans Sector Targeted by Click Fraud Scammers

Yahoo! Finance, March 31, 2022
Click Fraud Prevention Firm Polygraph Warns of Increasing Risk to Pay Day Loans Sector. Some advertisers are inadvertently wasting the majority of their online marketing budgets by falling victim to click fraud. It is a growing menace for all online businesses, although some are more at risk than others – with pay day loan companies rapidly becoming the premier target for click fraudsters.

Click Fraud Detection Firm Polygraph Announces “No Cost” Plan To Help Advertisers Detect And Prevent Ad Fraud

Martech Series, March 29, 2022
Online advertisers can now monitor up to 500 advert clicks for fraud each month completely free of charge. Polygraph, a company specializing in click fraud detection, prevention, and blocking, is now offering advertisers a completely free of charge service to detect fraudulent clicks on adverts.

Polygraph Identifies New Cybercrime Scheme Manipulating English Teachers Living Abroad

Benzinga, March 25, 2022
Polygraph, a Berlin-based company that has developed cutting edge click-fraud detection and prevention strategies, has identified some of the first instances of a devious new variation of advertising click fraud that reaps tens of billions of dollars every year and involuntarily loops the teachers into an illicit...

Polygraph: Cyber criminals find new ways to target online advertisers

Yahoo! Finance, March 24, 2022
A growing trend where online fraudsters monetise popular advertising keywords, using real clicks by unsuspecting website visitors, can now be tackled by insider knowledge sourced directly from those involved with the cyber fraud. While ‘click fraud’ is a relatively new type of crime, it is fast establishing itself as the premier method criminal gangs...