

Why advertisers should care about fake leads

In this article we explain how fake leads are the result of click fraud, how they train the ad networks to send you more bot traffic, and why preventing them re-trains the ad networks to send you real traffic. Finally, we explain why you're breaching data privacy laws if you ignore or tolerate fake leads.

Google is making it harder to detect click fraud

In this article we explain click fraud, discuss one of the ways click fraud bots can be detected, and show how Google has made it more difficult to detect and prevent click fraud.

Why captchas won't protect you from click fraud

In this article we explain what is click fraud, why captchas can't prevent it, and provide advice on how to properly deal with click fraud.

What is piggyback click fraud?

In this article we discuss a devious click fraud technique known as piggyback click fraud, where scammers rely on other people's bots to do their click fraud for them.

Why do display networks have so many bots?

In this article we explain why display networks - also known as audience networks - have so many bots. We discuss why these bots exist, who profits from them, and what you can do to protect your ads from click fraud.

Why am I receiving ad clicks from Spanish speaking jobseekers?

This article explains why Spanish speaking jobseekers are clicking on your ads and applying for jobs via your leads form, why this is wasting your ad budget, and how to stop these fake clicks.

Is it worth it to use a click fraud detection service?

This article looks at the costs associated with ignoring click fraud, and shows - using real-world click fraud data - that Polygraph pays for itself many times over.

Beware of no-cost conversions

This article explains how scammers are using no-cost (free of charge) conversions to disguise fake ad clicks, waste advertisers' time and money, and fool advertising networks into believing bot clicks are from real people.

What is device fingerprinting?

In this article we explain the concept of device fingerprinting, show how it can be used to detect click fraud, and discuss scammers' attempts to fake their devices' fingerprints.

How to prevent competitor click fraud?

In this article we explain the difference between click fraud from organized criminals, and click fraud from competitors, and we provide some strategies to prevent your competitors from clicking on your ads and wasting your marketing budget.

Why do Performance Max (Pmax) campaigns get fake leads?

In this article we explain why Performance Max ad campaigns get fake leads, and what you can do about it.

What is retargeting click fraud?

In this article, we explain the steps involved in retargeting click fraud, and tell you how you can protect your ad campaigns from this click fraud scam.

Does search engine optimization (SEO) reduce click fraud?

In this article we explain why search engine optimization (SEO) reduces advertisers' click fraud risk, and we justify shifting marketing budgets away from online advertising and towards SEO.

How to use Polygraph with Google Tag Manager (GTM)

In this article we explain how to use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to add Polygraph to your landing pages.

Why should online advertisers use a click fraud detection service?

In the article below, we explain why using a click fraud detection service like Polygraph will save your company money, and make it easy to protect your ads from click fraud.

Why are bots opening marketing e-mails?

In this short article we explain what is click fraud, give an example of a typical click fraud process, and reveal why click fraud is causing marketing e-mails to be opened by bots.

How to detect click fraud?

In this short article we explain the basics of click fraud, and then describe two click fraud techniques and how to detect them. Finally, we tell you the easiest and most cost effective way to detect and prevent click fraud.

How to set up and use Polygraph

In this article we show you how easy it is to set up and use Polygraph. We provide step by step instructions, so you won't get lost. Getting everything up and running will only take a few minutes.

How does removing ad keywords protect your campaigns from click fraud?

In this article we explain why click fraudsters are targeting high value ad keywords, how their click fraud scam works, and we provide a strategy for reducing your exposure to click fraud by removing high risk ad keywords from your campaigns.

How to block click fraud websites?

Criminals are displaying your ads on scam websites and stealing your marketing budget. This short article explains what is click fraud, shows you how to find out which websites are generating fake clicks on your ads, and gives step by step instructions to block click fraud websites from being able to display or click on your ads.

Beware of click fraud protection gimmicks

An unfortunate aspect of the click fraud detection industry is the number of ineffective gimmicks which offer little to no protection against click fraud. In this article we will discuss three click fraud protection gimmicks, and explain the correct way to protect your advertisements against click fraud.

What is conversion fraud?

Online advertising has a fake conversions problem, especially fake leads which waste advertisers' time and money. In this article we explain why these fake conversions exist, and how to stop them.

The anatomy of a click fraud gang

Click fraud is a sophisticated internet crime which steals billions of dollars from advertisers every year. Its offenders include mom and pop websites, cybercrime gangs, and even Nasdaq listed multinational corporations. In this article we'll focus on a prolific Asia-based cybercrime gang, responsible for a large percentage of the world's click fraud.

Why blocking IP addresses won't protect your ads from click fraud

It's a mistake to believe click fraud can be eliminated by blocking bots' IP addresses. In this article we'll prove IP blocking is ineffective, and present an alternative solution which is simple, powerful, and proven to work.

How to get click fraud refunds from Microsoft Ads (Bing Ads)?

Microsoft Ads (also known as Bing Ads) is targeted by many click fraud gangs and arbitragers, so it’s important to monitor your ad clicks for fraud, especially if you display your ads on the Audience Network or Search Partners. In this article we explain the basics of click fraud, how to detect click fraud, and how to get click fraud refunds from Microsoft Ads.

How to get click fraud refunds from Google Ads?

Google Ads has a click fraud problem, especially on its Display Network. These fake clicks enrich Google and the fraudsters, and cause massive losses for advertisers. In this article we explain the basics of click fraud, how to detect click fraud, and how to get click fraud refunds from Google Ads.

What is the difference between click fraud and click arbitrage?

Advertisers are losing tens of billions of dollars each year due to click fraud and “click arbitrage”. In this article we briefly explain what is click fraud and click arbitrage, and show the steps involved in a typical click fraud and click arbitrage process. As you’ll see, there’s not much difference between click fraud and click arbitrage!

What is the difference between click fraud and low quality visitors?

In this article we explain the basics of online advertising, take a deep dive into click fraud and provide examples of two click fraud techniques, explain what a low quality visitor is, and finally summarize the difference between click fraud and low quality traffic.

How to prevent click fraud?

Click fraud is a massive problem, and is costing some advertisers up to 80% of their ad budgets. In this article we will explain what is click fraud, how criminals earn money from click fraud, and then discuss two strategies for preventing fake clicks on your ads.

What is click fraud?

You've probably heard of click fraud, but aren't really sure how it works, who's doing it, or why they're doing it. This article will answer these questions, and clear up some myths and misconceptions about modern day click fraud.

What are UTMs and why should they be used?

Urchin Tracking Modules, or UTMs, are a set of five parameters which are used to track the clicks on banner ads and links. They’re commonly used to better understand the performance of ad campaigns, and they play a role when it comes to detecting click fraud...